



(1)1次抽選エントリー:2024年12月19日21:00開始/ 12月21日21:00締め切り



 ・メールアドレスの特録ミス・受信拒否・迷惑メールでの受信などで確認出来ない場合は不選出と同じ扱いになりますので、アドレスの打ち間違えやメールの受信設などは必ず ご確認ください。





(Junior) ENTRY終了 google フォーム

(Open) ENTRY終了 google フォーム

We have changed the entry system this season, so please refer to the following information.

(1) Primary lottery entry: December 19, 2024, 9:00 p.m.(JST) start/ December 21, 2024, 9:00 p.m.(JST) deadline

・Please note that we will conduct the primary recruitment on the above schedule.If the number of applicants exceeds the number of openings, entrants will be selected by lottery from among those who have applied within the above period.The order in which applications are received will not be taken into account in the drawing.We promise to conduct the lottery fairly and without any manipulation on the part of the management.

(2) Notification of the result of the 1st lottery entry: December 24

・The result of the lottery will be notified by e-mail for both selected and not selected entrants.If the results cannot be confirmed due to an error in the e-mail address, rejection of the e-mail, or receipt of junk e-mail, the result will be treated as if the applicant was not selected.

(3) Payment deadline for the 1st lottery entry:December 29 untill 9:00 p.m.(JST)

・Payment instructions will be included in the selection notification e-mail, so please follow the instructions and complete payment by the above date to complete your entry.If payment cannot be confirmed by the designated date, please understand that you will be treated as if you were not selected.

(4) Secondary Entry

・If there are vacancies, additional entries will be accepted for each category. The dates and other details will be announced on JFO's SNS and other social networking sites. Additional entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Presentedy by


  • 平下 和樹
  • 加賀 飛雄馬
  • 荻原 学
  • 村上 竜太
  • 中森 文夫
  • 植原 澄美
  • 渡邊 恵
  • 渡邉 博明
  • 深尾 真智子
  • 吉田 市子
  • 小澤 恭子
  • 前田 晃秀
  • 村上 英二
  • 毛利 洋介
  • 松本 真也